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“Called To Be A Light”

Ciceley Bishop

is the Founder and CEO of Live By Purpose, LLC, a Faith Based Empowerment Company. She is a trailblazer with a vision, speaker, trainer, facilitator, certified life coach, purpose strategist, and now published author.

Among other accomplishments, Ciceley is a notary, playwright, licensed Minister and Christian boutique owner. She has also been certified as an International Holistic Life and Entrepreneur Coach for adults and youth through Professional Woman Network (PWN) under the leadership of Linda Eastman and Curriculum Director (Louisville) for H.Y.P.E. – Healing Young People thru Empowerment. Ciceley Bishop has a Master’s Degree in Business Communication, Bachelor of Science Degree in Business Administration, and a Certificate in Black Church Studies. She has 20 years in the governmental social service field training and providing programing for youths and young adults in her community.


Certified BLOCS Youth Methods Trainer/Facilitator

Certified U of L Champs Trainer (Healthy Relationships)

Certified Curriculum Director: Healing Young People thru Empowerment (H.Y.P.E.)-Louisville

Certified Mental Health First Aid (Youth/Adult)

Certified International Holistic Life Coach (Adults/Youth)

Certified International Entrepreneur Coach

In 2014, God gave Ciceley a vision, HIS vision to speak purpose into others, therefore Live By Purpose, LLC was created. Founded on the scripture Romans 8:28; years later the vision has manifested into Purpose in Life Coaching, Purpose in Ministry, and Purpose through apparel and accessories (Christian Boutique). Ciceley asked God what was her purpose, and HE responded “You are Called to be a Light” out of darkness.


To empower others by identifying gifts in order to fulfill their purpose.


Investing in positive self-worth through discovery of purpose from empowerment, communities will change for the better.


R O M A N S  8:28

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

   My Testimony:

Prior to being pregnant at 15 and a teen mom at 16, I didn’t have a sense of self worth or a purpose. I felt like my life had no direction. I had become numb to the evil of this world (some caused by others and some self inflicted). This went on for many years until I formed a relationship with my Savior Jesus Christ and I was transformed.


Where once I was lost (mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually) I am now found.

Where I was blind, I am now able to see. I am a new person with PURPOSE..

Out of darkness, I AM CALLED to be A LIGHT


Romans 8:28 (NIV)

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[a] have been called according to his purpose.

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